Directorio Institucional



Dirección General

I believe in lifelong learning and Udemy is a great place to learn from experts. I’ve learned a lot and recommend it to all my friends.great place to learn from experts. and great place to experts.

Dra. Esperanza Urquizo 


Secretaría Académica

I believe in lifelong learning and Udemy is a great place to learn from experts. I’ve learned a lot and recommend it to all my friends.great place to learn from experts. and great place to experts.

Jorge Morales Navarro



Unidad Académica

I believe in lifelong learning and Udemy is a great place to learn from experts. I’ve learned a lot and recommend it to all my friends.great place to learn from experts. and great place to experts.

Mg. Isabel C. Carbajal Aguilar


Área de Administración

I believe in lifelong learning and Udemy is a great place to learn from experts. I’ve learned a lot and recommend it to all my friends.great place to learn from experts. and great place to experts.

Norma L. Soria Palacios



Unidad de Formación continua

I believe in lifelong learning and Udemy is a great place to learn from experts. I’ve learned a lot and recommend it to all my friends.great place to learn from experts. and great place to experts.

Mg. Juanita Gonza Tito



Unidad de Investigación

I believe in lifelong learning and Udemy is a great place to learn from experts. I’ve learned a lot and recommend it to all my friends.great place to learn from experts. and great place to experts.

Mg. Emily N. Ysla Alvarado